Bras by The Stars

Scroll down to place your bid or

donate directly to The Wesley Hospital

Choices Cancer Support Centre.

Alastair McLeod, Melissa Downes, Christian Hull and Susie O'Neill posing with mannequins displaying their bra creations.

Bid for a Bra

10 Australian stars have designed a custom bra to raise money for Wesley Choices in support of Breast Cancer Awareness Month this October.

The personalities behind the bras.

Find out about the 10 stars.


Donate directly to The Wesley Hospital Choices Cancer Support Centre.

The Wesley Hospital Choices Cancer Support Centre helps more than 6,500 people affected by cancer every year.

Wanda’s Story

“Everyday I want to have a ‘life is good’ moment and often that’s moments that I share with my friendship groups at Choices… Without Choices it would have been a much lonelier experience for me.”

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